Journey through a UX bootcamp . Part 1 — the Beginning.

Quentin Lee
2 min readFeb 3, 2021

From here on I’ll document my journey through General Assembly from the application process to the rework though each of the 12 weeks, so not only can you see what it’s really like to go through a bootcamp, but hear, little by little rather it’s worth it for you.

A bit about me first, and what brought me to UX

I’ve spent the last 8 years as a professional Performer, on Broadway, on tours, as the Phantom of the Opera, and in Opera’s like at the Grammy nominated Porgy & Bess @ the Met Opera. Than COVID-19 put a pause on the performing arts industry and I was able to take a step back and re evaluate what it is that I actually wanted in life, and honestly give me a chance at going in a direction that had always seemed interesting.

(That’s me and Eva Tavares)

After putzing around in Sales, and a few other little side projects I was introduced to UX Design while working on developing an app with a friend who is already in the field.

I feel very much in love with the whole process and business side of it, and knowing that its possible to help fix those little frustrations in life and bring bliss to peoples lives on a daily bases really brought me joy. So I did what Many do and googled how to do this for a living…

Next Time — I’ll Talk about the application process

